Hinge for accurate pitch shots

 Do you, like many golfers, feel uncomfortable hinging your wrists? Perhaps you are trying to create width and extension in the backswing, and not allowing the wrists to hinge naturally?

Try this at your next practice session at the World of Pitching:

  • At address, relax the right arm, allowing a slight bend in the elbow.
  • Set your elbow a bit closer to your right hip.
  • On the backswing, allow a slight inward rotation of the left forearm.

This should allow the right elbow to fold inwards more naturally, and allow the wrists to hinge upwards.

Another corrective drill to enhance the process of natural hinging:

  • Grip the club with your left hand as usual, then with only your middle & index fingers of your right hand. Now take the club back and you will gain the sensation of “picking the club up” with a nice, natural hinge.
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