
Two common pitching faults

Stuart Blackie is a class AA - member of the PGA of South Africa, offers these simple solutions to help fix your pitching:   Fault 1: The most common fault in pitching is scooping the ball, where a player attempts to lift the ball into the air rather than relying on the loft of the club to do its job. In this case, the weight tends to fall back, the lower body collapses and your chance of m...

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Hinge for accurate pitch shots

 Do you, like many golfers, feel uncomfortable hinging your wrists? Perhaps you are trying to create width and extension in the backswing, and not allowing the wrists to hinge naturally? Try this at your next practice session at the World of Pitching: At address, relax the right arm, allowing a slight bend in the elbow. Set your elbow a bit closer to your right hip. On the backswing, a...

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Stay Connected for Solid Pitch Shots!

Here’s the thing… Because the major muscle groups involved in pitching are in your shoulders and arms, it is vitally important for you to ensure that they work as a unit and that the arms don’t disconnect from the body. A wonderfully effective yet simple drill to help you achieve this is to hit 50m pitch shots with a towel under your arms, as illustrated below. Not only will ...

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Pitching to winter greens

GPGE Tip: PITCHING TO WINTER GREENS You are 60-100m out and you know the ball is going to bounce hard when it pitches that rock-hard winter green. Is there a way to stop it in these conditions? Scotty says “Yes, there is, as long as you take the time to practice the technique at the wonderful World of Golf.” The solution is simple – you have to create more spin with your wedge...

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