Strengthen your Core for solid golf

It is commonly accepted by teaching professionals that one of the keys to solid ball striking lies in the ability to maintain one’s spine angle throughout the swing.

Good core stability definitely improves this capability and research has shown that the glutes (bum muscles) play a major role in assisting the inner abdominal muscles to support the lower back and therefore maintain spine angle.

The glutes are known to golf fitness professionals as the “king”, while the abs are “queen”. If your glutes are not firing, your ability to keep a stable lower body is drastically reduced, and if the lower body is not stable, it will be impossible to maintain spine angle.

So how do you strengthen your “kings” & “queens”?

Here are two simple techniques you can try anywhere, anytime:

  1. Glutes: Lie on your back with your feet on the ground, knees in the air and a hand on each glute. Now squeeze one glute and hold the contraction for 30-45 seconds. Alternate with the other glute, 2-3 times on each.
  1. Abs: Suck your belly button in towards your spine (you will notice that your chest inflates). Now hold your stomach in, and deflate your chest. If you can do this, you are very close to activating your core.
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