The Gary Player Golf Experience is SA’s premier teaching academy. Our pro, Gabba Wessels, is an AA Class PGA professional with more than 6 years teaching experience and his offering for this newsletter is his idea of THE PERFECT PUTTING STROKE…

The perfect putting stroke requires you to keep your putter on the ball to target line as long as possible. This means a straight take away and straight finish towards the target, made easier with the following tips:

Eyes over the ball and arms hanging straight down at address.

Use only your shoulders to rock the putter back and through, a nice pendulum effect from your shoulders. It is far easier to control the big muscles in your shoulders than trying to control the smaller muscles in your hands. In fact you want to all but eliminate your hand and wrist movement.

Cement your lower body to the ground – you want to prevent your hips from rotating in your putting stroke.

Maintain your posture and a still head throughout the stroke for as long as you can even after you have made contact with the ball.

Be sure to follow through slightly longer than you swing back to ensure there is no deceleration in your stroke. This will help your ball to stay on the ball to target line.


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