Gary Player Golf Fitness Center

Come Train With Us!

Our mission is to provide superior training solutions to members & guests of The World of Golf. Our consultants are Human Movement Science graduates who specialise in mentoring the most modern training methods available in order to improve their clients’ physical wellbeing.

Since training mentorship is based on individual needs, we suggest that all courses of action begin with a Functional Movement Analysis.


Are you activated?Golf fitness articles

Imagine the body as an electrical system with fuses. sometimes these fuses blow and the system shuts off. There is a way of fixing the circuit!

Read the full article now - CLICK HERE!

Alan Chappell - Switzerland.

"Thank you for an excellent program... I have improved a great deal and this is reflecting in my golf game - more consistent and even hitting my drives a few yards longer. My hips and lower back have loosened up considerably and I now have an easier and fuller back swing... I think I've come a long way..."

Click here to read Alans' full story!

Meryvn Solomon - Golf4All.

"...I am writing this article so that fellow golfers who want to enjoy their golf, hit the ball further and make solid ball contact, and prevent injuries should seriously consider joining the fitness centre..." "...I realised that GOLF doesn’t keep you fit; you need to be fit to play golf. We have to be in “Golf Shape” ..."

Click here to read Devan's full story!

Rodney Ntlemo.

"I must say the fitness program assigned by Suné is thorough and fun – I had joined a couple of gyms before and this is for the first time that I have followed a fitness program and not get bored. I really enjoy this type of workout compared to others I have attempted before..." " I would highly recommend the gym to anyone, especially those who have been absent from gym for a long time like myself."

Click here to read Rodney's full story!

Dr Mamorena Mofokeng.

"Thank you for fine tuning this Golden Oldie into a relatively fit golf enthusiast..." " I can't wait for summer to show off my toned arms, legs and "six pack"... " "Most importantly, soon I will be giving a lot of unfit golfers a run for their money on the greens...."

Click here to read Mamorena's full story

Allison Loxton.

"I must just tell you that I am really excited about the “muscle-activation” which you have taught me..." "I can certainly feel a difference and it is evident in my golf.... " "Who would have thought that the simple technique of applying a little pressure to certain points on the body could make such an incredible diference..."

Click here to read Allisons's full story

Karine Roux.

"In December 2008, I was involved in a car accident. I went for fresh x-rays and a CT scan and was finally diagnosed with Scheuermann's kyphosis (curving of the spine) which was localised between my L4 and L5 vertebrae. This at least explained why I found it so difficult to correct my posture. I now just needed to find a way to get the pain under control and slow down the effects of the kyphosis. In about March 2009 I went to see a Biokineticist at the World of Golf. After assessing me, he designed a programme involving stretches and exercises to help me regain mobility and to strengthen my core. I tried to do the stretches everyday and would do the exercises about twice a week. I did not notice any significant improvement immediately but about three months ago I started to notice that I was experiencing less pain..."

Click here to read Karine's full story