Supersport Masterclasses & Call for Help Sessions

Whilst every effort is made to maintain our advertised schedules, some minor changes are inevitable, particularly amongst your Gary Player professionals. Please check daily changes at our friendly GARY PLAYER GOLF EXPERIENCE Hospitality Desk.

Now let's tell you what's going down…

Supersport Call For Help Sessions

During practice, it's tough to know if you are doing it right, right? Call for Help sessions are the solution. During these sessions, a Gary Player pro will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and to give you useful tips & drills. Just "Call for Help!"

Supersport Masterclasses

Here our Gary Player professionals demonstrate the techniques required for just about every shot in the book (and even some that aren't). - How's this for a list of subjects:

  • Keys to a Consistent Golf Swing… learn how best to repeat - and repeat - and repeat We give you a comprehensive guide to establishing consistency - essential for lower scoring!
  • Hit the ball further… understand the key fundamentals for maximum distance We talk equipment, which can make a massive difference, and we teach you about power leaks. We demonstrate the dynamics that are crucial to hitting the ball further!
  • Back to Swing Basics… We discuss the importance of swing basics, which revolve around the GASP principle – Grip, Aim, Stance, Posture.
  • The art of Putting… tune in to the basics of golf's most important discipline We demonstrate the techniques you need to develop a reliable putting stroke & assist you with rules & etiquette on the greens.
  • The Putting Secrets of the Pros...  we reveal the putting secrets of touring pros We teach you sound methods for "reading" greens, share with you some tested pre-putt routines & show you the pros' drills.
  • Chipping Fundamentals…  learn the principles for getting it close Your address position, your technique & your options - we teach you the basic principles of chipping.
  • Speciality shots around the green… we teach you how to use different clubs in tight situations From the bladed Sandwedge to the Fairway Wood chip shot - we open your minds to a variety of options around the green.
  • Pitching techniques & distance control… we help you understand the principles of pitching We discuss club selection and establish the ground rules for successful pitch shots.
  • The Basics of Bunker Play…  get it out AND get it close! We cover the basic rules & etiquette in the sand and discuss technique, bounce and distance control.