How your grip influences your swing to the top!

Last month we demonstrated the three variants of hand positions on the club and promised we would de-mystify the effects of these positions on your takeaway. Steph believes it is of vital importance to understand this correlation in order to gain awareness of your own swing.


With this grip position the clubface will be shut or closed during the takeaway and again at the top of the backswing, as pictured below. The effect of this will most likely lead to a closed position at impact, thereby creating a right-to-left drawing spin on the ball.

Note: A shut clubface at the top means the clubface is pointing towards the sky.


This position will lead to 'fanning' of the club, which in turn causes an open clubface in the backswing. The effect of this will most likely lead to an open position at impact, which creates a left-to-right “fading” spin on the ball.

Note: An open clubface at the top means the clubface is pointing towards the ground.


This position will give you the best chance to create a consistently square clubface throughout the swing, which in turn leads to the best possibility of a square clubface at impact.

Once again, please be reminded that it is important check the relevance of your own grip with your Gary Player professional on a regular basis.

Next month Steph will explain how to consistently set up with good posture.